Pennsylvania Is an “At-Will” Employment State. You Can Still Be Wrongfully Fired In Pennsylvania, as in many other states across the nation, employment is “at will.” That means your employer can fire you for any reason, at any time—and you can also leave your job for any reason and at […]
Wage Theft Is All Too Common, Especially in Low-Wage Jobs Wage theft occurs when your employer doesn’t pay you all the wages you’re owed. This could involve withholding overtime pay, employee benefits, annual leave, or any other form of compensation that you’re entitled to. It can also involve charging you […]
A Decision About Security Screenings May Have Widespread Ramifications At an Amazon warehouse in Lehigh County, employees had to undergo security screenings after each shift to make sure they weren’t stealing products from the warehouse. The security screenings took place after the employees clocked out, and the time spent waiting […]
Your New Rights Under the Law Philadelphia already had laws on the books that protect victims of domestic violence in the workplace. In May 2021, those protections got stronger. There are two ordinances in Philadelphia that include protections for victims of domestic violence at work. Those are the Promoting Healthy […]
Your New Rights Under the Law It’s not uncommon for job applicants to be subjected to drug testing for marijuana use as part of the hiring process. However, in Philadelphia, it will soon be unlawful for many employers to make job applicants take these tests. Earlier this year, the city […]